英 [ə'kædəmɪ]美[ə'kædəmi]
- n. 学院;研究院;学会;专科院校
复数: academies;
academy 专科院校
- academy
- academy: [16] Borrowed either from French académie or from Latin acadēmia, academy goes back ultimately to Greek Akadēmíā, the name of the place in Athens where the philosopher Plato (c. 428–347 BC) taught. Traditionally thought of as a grove (‘the groves of Academe’), this was in fact more of an enclosed piece of ground, a garden or park; it was named after the Attic mythological hero Akadēmos or Hekadēmus. In its application to the philosophical doctrines of Plato, English academy goes back directly to its Latin source, but the more general meanings ‘college, place of training’ derive from French.
- academy (n.)
- late 15c., "the classical Academy," from French Académie, from Latin Academia, from Greek Akademeia "grove of Akademos," a legendary Athenian of the Trojan War tales (his name apparently means "of a silent district"), whose estate, six stadia from Athens, was the enclosure where Plato taught his school.
The A[cademy], the Garden, the Lyceum, the Porch, the Tub, are names used for the five chief schools of Greek philosophy, their founders, adherents, & doctrines: the A., Plato, the Platonists & Platonism; the Garden, Epicurus, the Epicureans, & Epicureanism; the Lyceum, Aristotle, the Aristotelians, & Aristotelianism; the Porch, Zeno, the Stoics, & Stoicism; the Tub, Antisthenes, the Cynics, & Cynicism. [Fowler]
Sense broadened 16c. into "any school or training place." Academy awards (1941) so called for their distributor, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
- 1. Neil Howorth, director of the academy, tried to calm things down.
- 研究院主任尼尔·豪沃思力图平息事态。
- 2. By 1936 she was exhibiting at the Royal Academy.
- 到1936年她已在皇家艺术学院展出作品。
- 3. Father Auberon's Academy Club positively heaved with dashing young men.
- 父亲奥伯龙的“学院俱乐部”里真的是有为青年济济一堂。
- 4. The Academy Awards appear to validate his career.
- 奥斯卡金像奖似乎是对他事业的肯定。
- 5. the Royal Academy of Music
- 皇家音乐学院